Can You Solve this Brain-Teasing Four Hat Riddle?

Anuj Tomar
2 min readNov 2, 2023


Four Hat Riddle

Four Hat Riddle.” It’s a classic logic puzzle that goes something like this:

As shown in the picture above there are 4 men looking forward. None of them can see back. There is an opaque wall between man number 3 and man 4 (1,2,3 cannot see through the wall). Two of the men are wearing a black hat and two of them are wearing a white hat. Each man can see the color of the hat worn by the men in front of him. (1 can see 2,3 and 2 can see 3) but each person does not know the color of the hat he is wearing.

The rules are as follows:

  1. They can’t communicate verbally or in any way other than making their guess simultaneously.
  2. They can’t turn around or take off their hat to see the color.
  3. The four people must make a guess about the color of their own hat at the same time.
  4. They are told that at least one hat is red and at least one hat is blue.

The challenge is to come up with a strategy that maximizes the chance of getting the colors right. Typically, a strategy involves logical deductions and coordination among the participants.

Within the next 10 minutes, one of the men must correctly announce the color of his hat, or they all will die. Who among them will make the correct call, and what’s the reason behind it?



Anuj Tomar

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